Intelligent in Different Ways: IQ, EQ and, so important nowadays, VQ – the Vitality Quotient

Why are some people capable of taking challenges head-on while others are not? Why hardships motivate some to pave their way to success but drive others into depression? For years, it was thought that the main reason is simply a different level of intelligence.
But the richest and most influential people are far from the smartest. The key component for success, according to the study, is not the level of intelligence, familiar to us as IQ, but emotional intelligence – EQ (emotional quotient.) This concept means an ability to understand and control emotions, as well as be able to understand other people and their feelings.
Is Emotional Intelligence The Only Key To Success?
EQ was introduced by psychologist Lindsay Gardner in the 90s, but after studying it over the past quarter of a century, scientists have not been able to determine its clear criteria, as was done with IQ.
Nevertheless, some signs do indicate a high level of emotional intelligence:
- A vast “emotional vocabulary” – that is, the ability to understand your experiences and describe them;
- A lively interest in people, curiosity and empathy – the ability to put yourself in other people’s place;
- Openness to change and the ability to adapt to various circumstances;
- The ability to effortlessly “say no” to yourself and people, which indicates self-control and self-esteem;
- A desire to share with people new knowledge, unexpected gifts, without expecting anything in return;
- Gratitude for what you have right now.
There are other features of an emotionally intelligent individual, for example, a habit to observe a work-leisure balance, including having adequate sleep at night, as it improves the intellectual and emotional state.
As you know, people can be generally divided into “right-hemispheric” (with enhanced imaginative thinking, creativity and emotional intelligence) and “left-hemispheric” (goal-oriented and logical thinkers.) It turned out that individuals, whose right hemisphere is more developed, are more likely to get well with people, be flexible and, therefore, become successful.
Why Your Energy Level Matters
However, Paul George Claudel in his book «The Project To Live,» draws attention to another important success factor – VQ (vitality quotient,) which measures how energized a person is: mentally, spiritually and physically. The author believes that the very concept of VQ – the coefficient of vital energy – is the ability to change, inspire and lead.

Indeed, people who are unable to control and replenish their energy are not able to achieve high results simply because they are tired. Worn-out leaders might become the catalyzers of professional burnout within their teams, as they fail to provide necessary support and motivation for their employees. Moreover, not only in business but in personal life, VQ is worth paying attention to. Especially at this time, where self-realization comes to the fore during self-preservation.
The quarantine has put the world on pause: industries froze in anticipation, like train cars on a siding. This period gives you a chance to think about life energy – a key resource to your well-being and productivity, as it determines how quickly you complete tasks and how you affect other people.
Ways to Optimize Your Energy
Patricia Goldfrey, American psychologist and integrative coach, offers these simple tips to replenish your energy:
Learn to say “no”
Constantly agreeing to help others when you don’t want to, results in losing your energy by giving it to other people. Luckily, American psychologist, Ellen Hendrickson, has come up with these guilt-free ways for a smooth refusal:
- Offer an alternative;
- Explain your inaccessibility by something specific: your schedule or other responsibilities, or feeling unwell;
- Turn “saying no” into a compliment (e.g. “No, but thank you for thinking about me”.)
Control the surrounding sounds
Unwanted noise can absorb tons of energy. An easy way to quickly change your mood is to create your invigorating playlist or take on the earplugs (depends on a situation.)
Get rid of unnecessary things
According to Trisha, in nine out of ten cases, even quick cleaning up significantly helps to recharge. If you want to free up space in your house or apartment and make it cozier here are some ideas:
- Throw away old books and magazines;
- Get rid of unnecessary documents, such as old paid bills;
- Wipe off dust;
- Throw away other useless or worthless things;
- Decorate your room with photos of your happy moments.
Despite the importance of your energy, developing IQ and EQ is also essential, as the presence of energy with a lack of mind can have undesirable consequences. Even the brilliant commander, Napoleon once said: “People with high intelligence and powerful energy become generals, but the ones with an excess of energy and no mind are no good to the society.” Then, probably, it’s not a good idea to avoid gaining new knowledge if you’ve decided to become successful!
The levels of IQ, EQ and VQ are innate properties. However, by setting a specific goal, it’s possible to develop each of those quotients within yourself. By understanding yourself and stimulating your multilateral thinking, you can become a well-rounded person and reach your potential. It is also important to do what you love, as it will increase your intelligence and vitality without trying too hard.