10 Major Differences Between Ordinary And Extraordinary People

There are those who seem to have a natural knack for life – they smile, they laugh, and they’re genuinely content in all circumstances. It’s hard not to envy them. But beneath that surface layer there lies something so much deeper than anyone else could ever understand. Oftentimes, people who come into contact with them don’t see the burden they bear; a burden of carrying their own personal struggles under the guise of an extrovert. These individuals are extraordinary people – people who learn to live beautifully even when life gets messy and uncomfortable.
So when you look at them, what do you see?
A big smile and a kind word.
An infectious laugh.
Something more than a smile.
The ability to look deeply within yourself and find the beauty that is real, not the one that appears on the surface of your skin.
A quiet assurance that doesn’t come from confidence; it’s an internal certainty that others can’t see because it’s not put on in order to impress them. It’s just who you really are; who you’ve always been in your deepest core.
To be able to achieve the extraordinary, you need to be willing to make this life-changing paradigm shift. You need to change your thinking from a negative and pessimistic way of thinking, so that you can start living an extraordinary life.
There are probably a lot of reasons why you’re not an extraordinary person yet, but no matter what the reason might be, there are a few things that have been proven about being extraordinary.
We have gathered some of the most notable study findings in psychology and discussed what they say about extraordinary people. Learn 10 major differences between ordinary and extraordinary people. Let’s see how much more incredible you can become.
1. Extraordinary People Are More Creative
The world is full of ordinary people, but it’s also full of extraordinary ones. We have all come across the ones who stand out from the crowd and how much more impressive they look compared to their counterparts. A lot of them might seem to be ‘natural born’ or ‘naturally gifted’ but in fact, they have been working hard to achieve what they have become today. They have worked hard at improving themselves so that they can jump over all limitations of normal thinking and behavior.
To be extraordinary, you have to be very creative. You have to break free from the ‘normal’. If you want to be extraordinary, you need a lot of creative thinking. You need to think and act in a way that is not ordinary and not normal. Creative people are the ones who can do this because they know how to use their imagination and creativity in order to excel themselves and achieve success.
Extraordinary people are able to leave an impact on the things that they do because they bring out the creativity in what they do. Whether it’s their dress or their attitude, or even the little things like how they hold a conversation; everything is always interesting about them.
2. Extraordinary People Know That They Are Extraordinary
They have clear goals and expectations with regard to their lives and are never content with the status quo. Ordinary people, on the other hand, feel that it’s someone else’s responsibility to make their lives better.
The ordinary person keeps making the same mistakes over and over again and never seems to catch a break. The extraordinary person learns from their mistakes and does not make the same mistake twice.
Extraordinary people are full of positive energy; energy that makes everyone around them want to be better. Ordinary people carry negative energy around with them and bring everyone else down in the process.

3. Predictable vs. Challenging Life Full of Adventures
Ordinary people have a tendency to live their lives in an average, predictable way. Extraordinary people take risks and enjoy challenging themselves. Ordinary people look down on others who are different from them and extraordinary people don’t see much of a difference at all. Ordinary people get bored often, but extraordinary ones never do. Ordinary ones think they know everything but forget they are still learning, but extraorindaries never stop learning new things about themselves and the world around them.
Extraordinary people aren’t afraid to try something new because they always expect the best outcome possible from any given situation; ordinary ones are afraid of failure and as a result, never reach for their dreams the way they should.
4. Extraordinary People Don’t Let Others Bring Them Down
Extraordinary people don’t let others make them feel bad. They know they need to ignore the negative things other people say or do, which is just a waste of time and energy because the only person they can ever truly change is themselves.
5. Extraordinary People Are Not Afraid To Speak Their Mind And Enjoy Life
Extraordinary people aren’t afraid to speak their minds, even if it is against the crowd or their government/country’s beliefs. They know that the important thing is to always speak their mind, enjoy life and live in the present moment. If you don’t, how are you truly going to enjoy anything?
6. Ordinary People Take Up Too Much Space In Life
Ordinary people are too preoccupied with the irrelevant and unimportant. They take up a lot of time, energy and room for growth.
The extraordinary people know how to use their time wisely and live a zen-like focus on the tasks at hand.
Extraordinary people have a higher capacity for performance than that of an ordinary person; they can accomplish more in less time because they know how to work smart, not just hard.
7. Relationships

Extraordinary people want to make an impact on the lives of others and so do their best to help those around them whenever they can. They have strong personal relationships with others because of their supportive nature and generosity of spirit. Ordinary people have weak relationships with others because they are self-absorbed tunnel-visioned individuals who only care about themselves.
8. Positive Emotions
Extraordinary people keep themselves in high spirits because they know there is always something good happening in the world if you just take the time to notice it. They look at every situation with a positive lens and see possibilities where others would only see problems – an approach that makes it difficult to ever be bored or depressed. Ordinary people are often in a bad mood because they take everything at face value. They don’t seek the silver lining and they’re rarely grateful for what they have, which leads to apathy, jealousy, and envy.
9. Achievement
Extraordinary people keep themselves in high spirits because they know there is always something good happening in the world if you just take the time to notice it. They look at every situation with a positive lens and see possibilities where others would only see problems – an approach that makes it difficult to ever be bored or depressed. Ordinary people are often in a bad mood because they take everything at face value. They don’t seek the silver lining and they’re rarely grateful for what they have, which leads to apathy, jealousy, and envy.
When extraordinary people who have done extraordinary things take charge, there will never be enough adjectives and superlatives to do them justice. It's one of the few constants in human interaction.
Ayn Rand Tweet
10. Confidence
Extraordinary people never waver in their belief that they can and will accomplish great things. They are not content with being average or mediocre in life – rather, they seek to set new and remarkable standards that everyone else can aspire to. Ordinary people tend to feel like failures and are easily overwhelmed by stress, pressure, or criticism. They have a hard time trusting their own abilities and believing the best of themselves.
The world is full of average and ordinary people who claim to be extraordinary. They have a hard time living up to their own standards and expectations, however. In contrast, extraordinary people are willing to put in some work and dedicate themselves to making the most of their lives with effort, drive, determination and focus.
You can make the choice: Are you going to be an average person or an extraordinary one? It may not be that simple. But before you go ahead and settle for mediocrity in yourself or in your relationships, try getting crystal clear on what you want out of life.